
THINK Week in Review: The ATM Edition

While taking a soak, inventor John Shepherd-Barrond devised what is hailed as the world's first automatic teller machine, although his claim to the title is a matter of dispute. He pitched the device to the British bank Barclays. They accepted immediately, and the first model was built and installed in London almost exactly 49 years ago. Though the machine used PIN (personal identification number) codes, a concept Shepherd-Barron also claims to have invented, it was dependent on checks impregnated with the (slightly) radioactive isotope carbon 14 to initiate a withdrawal, for ATM cards had not yet been developed. While we know the history of the ATM, we don't know the future of banking. We all will have to build it. A few curated links to get you started: The financial insecurity bias. Fascinating interview with Tuck professor Eesha Sharma on how perceptions of personal wealth affect the decisions people make. One learning: "When people believe others are better off, they want things they think those others don't have." You don't need a digital strategy; you need a digitally transformed company. "You don't need a head of digital or a digital department. In fact, you should banish the word digital as an entirely redundant word. But your company needs to understand these changing times and prepare to reimagine yourself for the near future, based on what new possibilities and threats new technology provide." What innovative companies can learn from Keurig's highs and lows. "Too often, leaders focus only on current operations because it is the performance engine that generates the funds necessary to stay in play. But an organization's success may be relatively fleeting if its leaders don't simultaneously attend to the future and the past. It's a balancing act that requires a unique mindset, a particular set of skills and tools, and a specific strategy." Be happier by knowing your future self. "If you remember to keep in mind the weaknesses we have in imagining the future, you'll be on your way to aging a bit more wisely." Think less, think better. "Honing an ability to unburden the load on your mind, be it through meditation or some other practice, can bring with it a wonderfully magnified experience of the world - and, as our study suggests, of your own mind."
