
THINK Week in Review – The Digitization Edition

"Companies in almost every industry these days are trying to go digital. When digitalization is done in the context of a company's strategic knowledge, powerful growth opportunities can be uncovered." This can be done by using a strategic knowledge-mapping framework discussed in this Wharton@Knowledge article. "Digitization for the sake of digitization is not the way to go. Deep attention needs to be given to what digitization of what knowledge should be undertaken and why." Enjoy additional knowledge below: New Report: Have Payments-As-A-Service, will travel. “In an effort to meet the changing demands of a growing consumer base, several FinTech players are offering new payment services to address the payment needs of all types of merchants. These services are not just enabling merchants to offer consumers greater convenience, but are also providing new opportunities to foster customer engagement, beef up payment security and collect data insights.” Against the grain: Five ways to benefit from spontaneity and disorder. “Embracing a little chaos and spontaneity in your work isn’t a license for laziness – of course success depends on ambition and relentless dedication. Rather, it is about not wasting time on ineffective, unrealistic planning and not cramping your style through over preparation. Leave space for the magic. “Real creativity, excitement and humanity lie in the messy parts of life, not the tidy ones,” says Harford.” Constant digital transformation is now the new norm.“ The need for constant change to stay ahead in business means the term “digital transformation” may give way to “digital evolution”. Love this list: The 8 Immutable Laws that govern the future of work. The Shirky Principle is interesting: “Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” At the CO-OP Leadership Summit, Dr. Romie Mushtaq shared with us how important breaks are for our mind, stress level and overall performance. My favorite site talks about the shortest journey: On going for a walk around the block. “A short while later, we’re back at the office or at home once again. No one has missed us, or perhaps even noticed that we’ve been out. Yet we are subtly different: a slightly more complete, more visionary, courageous and imaginative version of the person we knew how to be – before we wisely went out journeying.” Enjoy your little journeys.
