
THINK Week in Review: National Book Lovers Day Edition

Celebrated each year on August 9, it is National Book Lovers Day. This is a day for all those who love to read and serves as an encouragement to find your favorite reading place, a good book – whether it be fiction or non-fiction – and read the day away. As initial inspiration, here are the stories of the week, lovingly curated by your THINK team. Changing the innovation process from reactive thinking to proactive experimentation. Is failure overrated? Maybe we should fail differently. "The key is running small, scalable experiments. Experiments only fail when you fail to disprove an incorrect hypothesis. Unfortunately, we are wired as human beings to prove what we believe to be true. As Scott Cook, co-founder of Intuit once said, 'For each of our failures we had spreadsheets that looked awesome.' “ As you know, we are big believers in design thinking. Read more about how design thinking adds value to innovation. "Design thinking is a co-creative, collaborative process that helps people become more creative and innovative. It is especially useful in solving complex human problems. What would be different if you applied design thinking to the way you lead or manage innovation in your organization?" In contrast to the common perception, this author believes that Kodak's downfall wasn't about technology. "The American icon had the talent, the money, and even the foresight to make the transition. Instead it ended up the victim of the aftershocks of a disruptive change. Learn the right lessons, and you can avoid its fate." The key to the successful introduction of new products, processes and strategies is the employee. That's why behavior modification is key to transformation success. "Change cannot be implemented in a top-down manner without understanding the impacts to the entire team and the co-creation of the best behavior modification plan of action." How does constraint lead to greater creativity? As Stravinsky said: "The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self. And the arbitrariness of the constraint serves only to obtain precision of execution."
