
THINK Week in Review: The “July 4th” Edition

Are you looking forward to fireworks on July 4th? Congress chose fireworks in 1777 as a way to celebrate the first anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Fireworks were ignited over Philadelphia and the celebration also included bonfires and belles. Today, 103 million Americans will attend a fireworks display, 150 million hot dogs and more than 500 million pounds of chicken will be consumed. Our fireworks are more intellectual and less noisy. Still worth your while: The economic essentials of digital strategy: "Digital disruption can be a frightening game, especially when some of the players are as yet out of view. By subjecting the sources of disruption to systematic analysis solidly based on the fundamentals of supply and demand, executives can better understand the threats they confront in the digital space - and search more proactively for their own opportunities." Design how your team thinks: "In this time of rapid change, it's not enough to do new things. We have to think in new ways. This takes more than "getting out of the box." We have to design a new box, and, like a hermit crab, find a way to get from the old to the new. We can start by becoming conscious of our mental models, understanding our thinking styles, and conducting our teams as orchestras of diverse and complementary thinkers." (This is a follow-up to the previously shared "What kind of thinker are you?") #ChangeAgents, Experiments & Expertise in our exponential era: "We need more people willing to step outside of expectations because our world is changing rapidly, in several cases exponentially, and if all we do is meet expectations and the status quo - we will fall behind as organizations, as teams, and as societies." Can Artificial Intelligence replace executive decision making? "Like other technology changes, there will be a mix of good, bad, and ugly. Executives may be liberated from the mundane and able to use time more creatively and productively. They may face increasing competitive threats from automated virtual workers who do the easiest tasks, leaving the rest of us with the most difficult jobs. Or, worst case, executives may lose the ability to contribute at all. It's likely to be a mix of all of these. However, it is unlikely that the dream scenario of getting paid to sip coffee while machines work is a realistic option. We'll need to add value irrespective of how ‘normal’ changes." Are you so busy at work, you have no time to do the job? "As companies flatten hierarchy and preach collaboration among their ranks, a growing share of bosses' time is spent coordinating, directing traffic and overseeing employees who may or may not report directly to them. Managers and executives complain that the push for teamwork, innovation and speed has left them little time to do real work."
