

In the spirit of innovation and collaboration, CO-OP Financial Serviceslaunched the THINK Prize: $10,000 in seed money to bring your ideas to life, sponsored by MasterCard. Caroline Lane, SVP Business Development and Marketing, walked the audience through the history of the THINK prize, the criteria for the selection of the three finalists and introduced the three finalists. Shari Storm, Verity Credit Union, thought of a Smartphone app named “Squirrel”. It encourages people to “squirrel away” money they would have spent on something non-essential and place it into a hard-to-reach savings account. Matt Weidler, Evangelical Christian Credit Union, thought of a customer convenience initiative: Cellular ATM Access. It provides members with the convenience of being able to utilize ATM’s through a second mechanism of their choice in the event that their debit card has been forgotten or they prefer not to carry it with them. Candace Vogelsong, Community Powered FCU Of Newark, thought of a Credit Union Social Media Initiative. The goal is to welcome Credit Unions to the revolution by assisting them in harnessing the power of social media to benefit the credit union movement. Please use your THINK smartphone app to vote, look for the THINK Prize icon. You can vote until 3pm.
