
THINK Week in Review: The “National Paperclip Day” Edition

Sunday is "National Paperclip Day.” (Yes, it's true.) The design of the paperclip familiar today has never been patented. It is not known for sure who invented it or where it was invented. The Gem paperclip, as it became known, was introduced to America in 1892. It went on to become the most common paperclip in use all over the world. Kyle Macdonald from Canada managed to swap a red paperclip for a house by completing a series of online trades, swapping each item for something of a higher value. Read the whole story here. We swapped hundreds of intriguing stories of this week into your five links of the week. Enjoy! Oracle and Wharton Fintech report: Millennials are an immense opportunity for banks. "Overall, Millennials maintain a transactional relationship with their banks, considering them as a safe place to store money (60%) and the most trusted source for advice on personal finances (88%), above family and friends (87%) and personal financial advisors(59%)." Technology is changing how we live, but it needs to change how we work. "Yes, there's new technology all around us, and some of it is pretty important. But developing the technology turns out to be a lot easier than getting people - and particularly companies - to use it properly." The best digital companies are set up to never stop innovating. "The ability to continuously enhance and overhaul online products is already separating the winners and losers among internet firms. Increasingly, it will affect the fortunes of every firm that must have successful online offerings." Be wary of simple-looking issues. "Some problems hide how tricky they are. So we forget how long it takes to get them right. We forget how much difficulty they exact - and tend to rush and get impatient when we stumble over them." Six years old and aged perfectly: How will you measure your life? "Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success."
