
THINK Week in Review: Digital Leadership

"I'm a firm believer that the future still depends on great leaders who can constantly reinvent themselves." - Beth Comstock, Vice-Chair GE How do top CEOs lead during this exponential age? How do you manage the explosion of information and onslaught of increasing competition? How do you sort through the abundance of opportunity and prevent getting burned out? How do you maintain agility during today’s tsunami of change? These are the question we are trying to answer with you at THINK 17. And Beth Comstock discusses in this article 8 principles for leaders to make the most of the exponential age. "“I think we still need great leaders with vision, the ability to find and coach people, to encourage people, to help them renew themselves, to go forward…" Why banking brands need to evolve to embrace an inclusive approach to innovation. "Change often requires huge leaps of faith for it to be successful. Businesses, especially banks, need champions within their organizations to help make this happen. People who have done it before understand that it’s not just about applying a process. It starts with creating the right culture." What you can expect from Fintech in 2017. Financial technology may still be in its early stages, but 2016 was nonetheless a whirlwind year for the FinTech world. And it’s about to get even better. According to the annual FinTech Report, cumulative investment globally will exceed $150 billion in 2017. Rethinking the corporate love affair with change. “In short, and as Drucker put it, “change and continuity are poles rather than opposites.” Continuity is the fertile soil in which change takes root. The greater an employee’s or customer’s sense of continuity in the company’s brand, values and culture, the more receptive that employee or customer will be to change. Conversely, the harder it is for an employee or customer to find continuity, the harder it will be for any change to succeed. It’s so easy to fall in love with change. But sometimes we need to take it slow.” This article won't change your mind. "Sometimes when we argue about the facts, we’re not arguing about the facts at all."        
