
Write your own Digital Playbook

Why is digital transformation a watchword for credit unions that want to thrive?
  • By the end of 2017, two-thirds of the CEOs of Global 2000 companies will have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategy. (IDC FutureScape)
  • Only 10 percent of companies currently describe themselves as fully digital. (The Economist)
  • Roughly 85 percent of enterprise decision makers feel they have a timeframe of two years to make significant inroads on digital transformation before suffering financially and/or falling behind their competitors. (“Is Business Really Digitally Transforming or Living in Digital Denial?” Progress, 2016)
To compete in the age of the customer, your credit union must become a digital business. As a digital business leader, it's your job to shape how. You must enhance your digital customer experience while also driving agility and efficiency through digital operational excellence. This is a tough challenge. Few firms have made the transformation, and many more will stumble along the way. Join us July 18 for “Craft Your Own Digital Playbook,” a live webinar based on the principles outlined in David Rogers’ book “The Digital Transformation Playbook.” Learn how to drive digital business transformation at your credit union, then create a process for bringing your strategy to life:
  • Craft your own digital vision and determine the scope of digital business transformation.
  • Build a playbook for executing digital transformation in your credit union.
  • Develop a customized strategy and take the next steps in your digital transformation journey.
In addition, each webinar participant will receive a free download of the Credit Union Digital Transformation Playbook research report, created exclusively with “Digital Transformation Playbook” author David Rogers for THINK 17. Register now
